if my clowns host to a leather umbrella mushroom, will the mushroom eventually die from that?
tonynader Member Jul 5, 2009 #1 if my clowns host to a leather umbrella mushroom, will the mushroom eventually die from that?
teresaq Active Member Jul 5, 2009 #2 just clear up, leathers are not mushrooms. Are you talking about a toadstool leathers?? I have never had any coral die from clowns hosting. They may irritate them some but they get use to it. T
just clear up, leathers are not mushrooms. Are you talking about a toadstool leathers?? I have never had any coral die from clowns hosting. They may irritate them some but they get use to it. T
teresaq Active Member Jul 5, 2009 #4 if you cant get a picture, look at the corals in the side bar and see if you see it. T