clown hosting xenia???


hello...I have a cinnamon clown that has taking a liking to a pumping xenia of mine...he is definitely acting like he is in love..will this hurt my xenia?...does it mean he NEEDS an anenome?..I have had him for about 3 months and this is new behavior...I am kind of worried because he is definitely giving my xenia alot of contact. what to do?..I also have a false pecula that is not interested at all in the xenia.


it's alright! people have clowns that host in all sorts of stuff, like mushrooms and even feather dusters! my mom has a pink skunk clownfish that hosts in her pulsing xenias, been doing it for quite a while now, no harm done!


and by the way.... please only post ur question once!! i just saw u had it posted in another board. that's rude and takes up a lot of space. we only want to see things once. so doing that doesn't help to solve your problem, only makes people mad at you. and it'll take longer that 4 minutes to get a reply most of the time!


will it hurt the xenia tho'??? It's a really nice one..should i get him anenome?...he looks so darn cute in there ***) ...he is happy now I think. :happyfish


I am sorry about the double post..when I hit refresh I didn't see it here so I went to the new hobbyist forum..I apologize, and it won't happen again..


no, he won't hurt the xenia. and even if you did get an anenome, he probably wouldn't host it. my mom has two anenomes in the tank w/ her pink skunk and xenias, and he won't go near them.
and please remember what i said about multiple threads on the same topic!


My Perc clown switches between my large frog spawn,hammer coral and a very bushy GSP. He just moves between the three all day. Haven't had any problems.