clown hosting ?


i just got a baby clownfish (false percula) and a few new corals. one of the corals is an umbrella mushroom that is about 3 inches across, the clown is aproxx 1 1/2 inches long. will/can the clown host the mushroom? if so, how can i encourage him to do so...cause he just swims up against the glass of the tank all day and i was kindof hoping that he would interact with his environment a little more.


I'm still kinda new, but I've talked to my lfs about it several times.
They said technically a clown may choose to host anything. I don't know how much I believe it, though. I've looked at a few clowns in a few tanks and I've never seen them host anything but an anemone.
I've had two clowns for maybe 6 months now. They haven't hosted anything in my tank until I put an anemone in. Then it was almost instant. Within a few hours of putting the anemone in it was hosting, but wouldn't really go near anything else.


Active Member
At fish stores you will usually find a clown hosting to an anemone. But also other people on the boards have clowns hosting to corals. It is possible but the clown probably would perfer a anemone over a coral.


Active Member
Also people put a picture of a clown hosting on the side of the tank which in some cases helped the clown learn to host the anemone.


people really put pics of other clowns hosting stuff to "show" the clowns how?! hmm i may need to try that, my clown is still a baby and was captive born so maybe he's just not in touch with his natural instincts yet. haha


If your clown is very new to your tank, I would suggest letting him get used to it for a week or two before trying to get him to host anything. If he has only been in there for a few days and stays near the glass, then he just needs to get used to the tank. I think its great he is tank born though, he will be very active and not so fearful of the tank as a captured clown.
I dont have any anemones in my 24 gallon (they require pristine water conditions and very expensive lights) but my clowns have hosted lots of corals. My male has hosted a bubble coral, fuzzy mushrooms, a frogspawn and some xenia.
Oh, and the picture technique is supposed to work (but like I said, dont freak him out with a picture if he has only been in the tank a few days). You just tape a pic of a similar looking clownfish hosting an anemone and they figure it out! Good luck!