Clown hosts a coral?


Do clowns host a coral such as an anemone??
i heard frogspawnsbut any other else? But with a maroon?
And i want my maroons lay eggs in it , because anemones are dieing very fast and they are always moving. Maybe a sand anemone be OK but corals are better if it is ok with a couple of maroons.


Or maybe a mushroom can be ok such as i ve green hairy mushroom and i want to ask one more thing. The tank's high is 50cm and i have a sylvannia grolux and a coral star is it enough???
Thanks for your answers!!!:)


My ocellaris pair host in a large toadstool (sarcophyton). The coral doesn't mind at all and the clown does a nice job of cleaning our detritus, etc that collect on its surface. The female spends most of the day in the coral amongst the polyps and the male swims around the base. At night the coral tends to close up (it always did that even before the clowns took it as a host), and the clowns sleep amongst the folds.


Is this frogspawn?? Its called branch coral but i think it is same as frogspawn!! And can a couple of maroon host that one??


I liked yur coral and couple very much. DOes the picture that i posted, is a frogspawn???
I learnd too many things from this forum but this is an important question.