clown in a flowerpot coral


Hey guys check this out. I'm actually kind of annoyed by this since flower pot corals are not the most hardy and she thinks this should be her new home. I had to scare her out after the pic and so far she hasn't come back to it. Correct that she did again. :p I'm suprised she hasn't gone after the frog spawn yet.


Active Member
My clowns are hosting a feather duster, even though their is a bta and frogspawn right next to the dusters. The duster keeps throwing it's crown, probably from the stress of the clowns. The poor fish look so confused when it happens.


thanks, its really annoying though, i've had to chase her away 4 times. she hasn't gone back since not long after i posted. i hope she stays away from it.


she started going after it briefly then the lights went out. now she's at the back of the tank by the heater.

reef diver

Active Member
Hey alyssia, try this to get your clowns off the feather duster. Net the clown, but dont take it out of the water. Then put it in a water glass preferably clear. Balance the glass over the anemone. Wait about 10 minutres for the clown to get its bearings. Then scare the clown into the anemone! Please don't flame me for this.


i've seen similar things like that reef. your best bet would be to use something much bigger than a glass. and you wouldn't need to scare them. if they swim through it themselves your much better off. i believe if you scare them in you could hurt them if they don't have a protective coat on from anemones.
the other thing i'd try which might be better is if you can get the featherduster closer to the anemone you might get lucky :). give that a shot first before you do anything that can really stress out your clown.