Clown is freaking out


I just fed my fish and now one of my clowns is freaking out. Shaking violently and hiding. I cought it to see if he was choking on some of the food but nothing was in his mouth. I just found some zoe that i forgot that i had and put it on some freeze dried plankton yesterday and left it in the fridge over night. I also fed them the same stuff two days ago that i put zoe on but didn't keep it in the fridge over night. I got the zoe about 3 months ago but then i moved and forgot that i had it. I really don't know what else to tell you. He was fine before he ate and basically attacked the food because we only feed the fish about every other day if that.


Active Member
Does it look like he is having a sezuire (sp?) or something? Also if you have another clown, is he like shaking near the other one? Because my clowns do this, it is like some kind of mating dance thing.


Yea i know what you are talking about. Its similar to that but a lot more violent. Plus he was spooked bad. He never hides and is friendly, if you call bitting me friendly. He had this pained look to him and was back behind the rocks going crazy. The other clown was enjoying himself out in the front of the tank. Well i'm saying was because i just got home and the little guy is back to normal.. either a bad trip from the zoe or he saw a ghost. Seriously there had to be some of the food stuck somewhere that i couldn't see.


Active Member clowns have never done that before, but then clownfish are unpredictable (sp?). Did the other clown seem aggressive to the other at all? If no then maybe you just have a weird clown ;)