Clown, is this normal?


New Member
I have a 2-3 year old Cin. Clown, I just put him in the tank about 3 weeks ago, but everyday I see him whipping his tail in my sandbed. He has moved quite a bit of the sand around. I think he might just be carving out his place in the tank but I don't know for sure. Any ideas?

red lobster

I agree
I have a maroon clown that is constantly excavating his hidout.


Active Member
Yea this is normal for clowns and other fish. They are just trying to make there home the way the want it. I had a tomato that did this and curently have a sebae that does it.


New Member
My Diana Hogfish immediately took to digging this huge hole under by one of the base rocks in the tank. Strange thing is, that isn't where the fish sleeps nor where it usually hangs out. But every so often, there it is, making the hole larger. Quite amusing :cool:


Yep, I had a clarkii that did the same thing. Panicked me at first because I thought she had ick and was scratching herself on the sand bed!
Thats odd you brought this up, our tomato has always hunge out in the right side of the tank and, at the bottom of the same side, he also has started to do this just recently , he has dug a hole the size of a kids fist and, lays there at night. I wonder if this is some kinda mating thing? as we have a large clarkie that controls most of the tank clarkie has been going over to him and they kinda twist around each other very briefly and then she swims away. This also just started along with the tomato digging....hMMMM :confused: