Clown Missing Fin


I have a clown that had white 'puss' around his left fin and it look like it was lymp. (whatever that disease is called) and I read that it would go away with good water cond. in about 4 wks. The white stuff has gone away, but the fin kept getting smaller. Today its gone! He swims mostly in circles and eats well. Every so often he lays om his side at the water surface to 'rest'... What can I do?


Staff member
It sounds to me like another fish is chewing at this fish. Can you post a picture?


its a biocube 8 with the 1 clown and a psudeochromis... I have never seen the 2 chasing each other... And they have been tank makes for some time now.. and before that they were in my old 30 gallon reef... It never looked like a torn fin or went away overnight.. It was started by the white bumps and then they grew to where he couldnt move his left fin. Then the white stuff cleared up and the fin day by day got smaller and he never used it. Now he has nothing and has really adapted well. Looks happy healthy and eating great... I guess I just sit and wait for the fin to grow back...??


There isn't much that you can do about the fin other than add vitamins to his food. Vitamins will build up his immune system and help with fin regrowth. If it is completely gone then it may not come back. Watch his other fins.