clown movies


Active Member
couple days ago i came home to the clowns doing some weird behavior, video'ed it, but have had issues uploading. here they are



Mine do the same thing, just not in the corner, just everywhere in the tank, I dont know what they are doing, maybe pairing up or something. maybe someone will have some insight.


Active Member
I'm not exactly sure what you think is weird. Mine dive bomb eachother, no fighting, just some playful diving. But mine almost never go toward the bottom of the tank, let alone, sit on the bottom. But maybe it depends on the individual fish. I don't know what's up.


Yeah I just saw mine doing the same exact thing tonight! They usaully NEVER go to the bottom of the tank. Someone has to know more about this. It looked my female was almost bullying my male and making him stay in the corner while she was sifting the sand with her tail. They always play and "divebomb" each other, but I've never seen this before!


Active Member
odd... i don't think i deleted either of the 2 vid's from photobucket.. they were such a pain to upload :(.
yea, i wish someone would say what had been going on with them, but the behaviour hasn't occured since i took the video.