clown nibbling on bt

so my bt has been in the tank for 3 weeks . clowns about 5 weeks . they showed no interest in the bta till today i see the one clown like sucking on the bta . is this normal ?
i hope its normal and its just a sign that the clowns are going to go to it .
im kinda excited . as we got our clowns at seperate times . a small one a bigger one . and as soon as they meet each other they where like glue . never leaving each other . and this would be the topping on the cake if they are going to go for the bta .


Active Member
wat type of clowns? are the clowns big? i use to have a big clown and it would nibble at the bta and it made me take the clown back cause he was also aggressive
do the clwons host the anenome? i heard of the clowns nibbling cause mayb clown eggs r on a rock close to the anenome and they bite the tips off so it wont hurt the eggs, but u need eggs lol.
i got worried with mine and decided to get rid of the clown, but dats cause it was aggressive


New Member
I had the same situation with my GS Maroons, It's normal, sometimes they will nip/rip/bite at it to help build their immune system up to host it. As long as they are not really trying to kill it you should be fine. Sometimes I think my BTA is trying to run from my female clown, she is REALLY over protective but it's also her comfort zone... Keep a good eye on it, but you should be fine.
the clowns we got are false percs . they are not hosting in it yet . they are very friendly . and pretty much only agressive when i walk over and put food in . there are practically jumping out of the tank for me to feed them . and yes i do feed them a few times a day .
i was thinking maybe the clown was showing it some love by nibbling on the bta . he isnt actually on the "bulbs" but rather the tan foot of the bta .
im keeping a close eye on them . the bta has only been in the tank for about 2 weeks now . the clowns about 5 weeks .