clown not eating


Put my perc. clown into my display 3 days ago from the QT (3 wks) it ate the first evening but I don' think it has eaten sence. It also has been hiding behind the LR and does not come out. It ate like a champ while in QT (shrimp)
26 gal bow, LS, 45 lbs LR
110w PC (55 actinic, 55 white) NEW
CPR hang on fuge with macro, LS, LR
2 ph
6 margarita snails
8 astrea snails
15 cerith snails
8 scarlet hermit cra

4 blue leg crabs
2 emerald crabs
pH 8.0 yes a little low, will water changes help or should I use buffer?
NH3 0.25 not sure why
NO2 0
NO3 0
PO4 0.5
Ca 400
Alk high, test only says low, normal, high
I am using Master test kit by Marine Lab but it also says Red Sea on the box. The tank has been up for about 2 1/2 months now, was cycled with a shrimp. The clown is the only fish in the tank. Any thoughts? Could he just be adjusting to his new environment?
Thanks, Jeff


It's not unusual for fish not to eat or to act shy when being introduced to a new enviroment. Keep an eye on him and water parameters. Give him couple days before you worry.
People have given bad reviews on Red Sea test kits, FYI. I've never used one, although I use Red Sea salt mix to good success. Clowns are normally avid eaters.
The switch obviously has them spooked.
I agree that brine shrimp will prompt them into eating. The little shrimp will float all over the tank and reach the hidden areas the clowns are in at the moment. If they don't become more brazen eaters, then worry later.