clown over feeding anemone??


Any time I feed my Clownfish ( maroon ) the female always feeds the anemone is a BTA. The problem is that she takes all of the food to the anemone and wont let the male eat any at all.. she also steals food from my fire shrimp and the benny, Even when I feed my Frogspawn at the top of the tank she will also find some way to try and get the food... I think the anemone is going to get over feed if that is possible...???


What kind of food are you feeding? IMO, I don't think your clown will over feed the anenome.


My one clown does the same thing. It will take the majority of the food and give it right to the anemone. I feed mine mysis shrimp, forumla 1, and krill. I don't feed them all that at once though. I change it up.

rod buehle

usually the clowns dont look at it as feeding the anemone, its more of a " "" "hey will you hold on to this hunk of food for me while I go get more.. I dont want to pass any up."" Using a turkey baster to squirt the food in, and squirting in opposite ends of the tank should help.. I quick squirt toward the female, and then another squirt at the other end...


I change it between shrimp, sliver sliders, and flake food, it takes everything. Then again I am worried that it may eat my fire shrimp because he always steal it from the anemone, I guess it may be a self correcting problem soon enough.