clown pair agressiveness?


Active Member
Ive read stories of pairs of percula clowns becomming hostile to all other fish inhabitants in their tanks. I have one true percula that is doing very well and id like to add another for him, however I hear stories of them attacking any fish that come near them. How likely is this?
My Ideal fish list for my 55gallon reef is...
2x Perculas
1 Royal Gramma
1 Bangaii Cardinal
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Firefish
Does anyone for see any problems? Or should they be okay?


I dont know too much about fish to fish interactions for those species, however, when I added a bicolor blenny to my 24 gallon that previously only housed my two clowns, my femaile clown would charge at the blenny and try to chase him away, but the blennies are so bold and it only lasted a few days. Now they are used to eachother and expect that will be the same case when you add more fish to your tank.
What type of clowns are they?


Active Member
well the one I have is a small true perc and I plan on getting another small sized true perc to go with him.
Right now its just the 1 clown and the lawnmower blenny and they get along great, swim right next to each other with no problems. I have a Bangaii Cardinal in QT now. Im just worried about a mate causing him to get more agressive.


I think they will be fine....especially if many of the other fish are inhabitants before you add the clowns mate....Good luck! and I am glad to hear that you are QTing your new fish, I think that is a very wise thing to do!


Active Member
Alright yea ill take your advice and add the second clown last.
But I would still like any 2nd or 3rd opinions from anyone else just as some feedback :joy:


not sure if this is true but my lfs told me to buy one that is smaller or bigger than the one u have. i did this w my maroons and they fought for a day or 2 and now share n anemone