Clown Problem


I have 2 pretty good sized clowns and a tang in my QT tank right now while I am redoing the main tank. Almost Done!!!.
Anyway, the bigger clown has a black spot on his nose and usually gets lighter and starts to go away after a water change. currently they are in a tank with no filter so I am doing water changes constantly.
Problem is I can't remember if he had the spot before i moved him. Does this sound like a disease related to water quality?


I will try to tonight. Otherwise he looks healthy except for this little black spot which seems to come and go depending on water quality. I feel so bad. I hope he makes so he can get back tot eh 180G I am specially preparing for him with LR and a DSB.


Staff member
How big is the black spot? Is it a pump, or does it look like its just a part of the fish's skin?


Hard to tell. It fades after a water change and seems to come out when stressed.
Could it be harmful to the fish to do a water change everyday until I get them back into the main tank.


Staff member
That would be fine as long as the water has been throughly mixed for 48 hrs.