clown question


this is what i was told the other day
True Percula clowns are fish from breeding in the wild.
False Percula clowns are from fish breeding in captivity


Active Member
Originally Posted by Whitebird
this is what i was told the other day
True Percula clowns are fish from breeding in the wild.
False Percula clowns are from fish breeding in captivity

Okay, that is what I thought but I wanted to be sure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Whitebird
this is what i was told the other day
True Percula clowns are fish from breeding in the wild.
False Percula clowns are from fish breeding in captivity
This is actually incorrect.
True percula = Amphiprion percula
False percula = Amphiprion ocellaris

They're two different species. Both can be found in the wild, and both can be found as captive breds.


Active Member
Those pics are a good representation of the two species of clown. Pretty easy to tell appart when side by side, gets more tricky when they are not together. It is a little tougher I think when they are still young juveniles as the perculas dark areas may not come out until they mature a bit.