Clown Question


New Member
I have a Med Cinnimon clown that I bought 1 week ago.
He/she? is now digging out pits in the CC and shows no interest in my Florida Condi.
Any Thoughts?
55 Gal
1 med Coral Angel
1 YT Damsel
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 CB Shrimp
1 Arrow
5 Emerald Crabs
1 F Condi


Clowns will dig in yoursubstrate, it is natural.If the clown is tank raised it may not accept the anemone for a while. It will catch on.


Active Member
Clownfish (most types) do not usually jump right in with an anemone. There are certain types of anemones that different species of clowns prefer. To be quite honest.......Condylactus are not exactly known for thier good hosting abilities. Would you rather stay at a Motel 6 or the

Not all clowns will go to an anemone. They do not need to.......just kinda cool when they do.


Active Member
Good points. My clowns are not the brightest... they have started using my ricordia as a host. I have never had that happen before. Random. :cool:


I got my pink tip on Tuesday. By Thursday night my Clarkii was completely in the anemone. A


what kind of anenome would host a true perc. clown. a sabae? what kind of lighting does that anenome require.


Your best bet is a bubble tip. Percs will take to sebaes, but the sebaes aren't nearly as hardy as the bubble tips. It took my clowns almost a month and a half to notice my bubble tip, but when they did they it was like flies on stink! Carpets and condis move too much and will disturb your other inhabitants.


New Member
Hey all, that is a lot of good stuff.
The reason I picked the Pet store at the time was selling me a Tomato Clown and In all my lack of wisdom, liturature I read said it would like a long tentical anenome. And he was a little larger so he would not be picked on to much.
Well he is a Cinnimon clown not a tomato.
If my condi is not the greatest host for this fish, what would be a good possability.
The same liturature also said that a Cinnimon Clown did not need an anen, but would be happier to have one around. I just went by the info I had.
I need to read more and spend less!
P.S. That is why I have a Motel 6 anenome, there cheap! :)
But he still looks cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have a black damsel that uses my condi, hermit crabs, firefish,and serpent star as a host. That fish rubs up on everyone in the tank.


"rubbing/fanning" behavior is a natural act for clowns/damsel fish...
ryebread said it best it best though that just because you have the "right clown" for the "right anemone" DOES NOT MEAN it will bond w/ the anemone...
you also seem to be more interested on finding a host for the clown, but the neglecting the possible needs of the anemone such as lighting & feeding...or will the clown stress the anemone to death, possbly releasing toxic chemicals into the the water...anemones can move around ON THIER OWN while looking for "THE BEST SPOT" in doing so may sting other tank inhabitants or even consume them...
sorry to put a damper on this, but before getting an anemone simply because it would be cool to see the clown bond w/ it; it should be kept by experienced hobbyist, an aged tank of at least a year w/ proper lighting...
YES, there are those that just hop out & get one & things seem to work out fine...doing a little research will show that is often not the case though...


New Member
Hey Jakob4001,
thanks for the lesson in life.
Before assuming what I Do and Do not do, for my tank maybe just a recomendation would be helpful. I did not write for a lecture, I am simply trying to learn and understand.
By the way I spent plenty of bucks on a VHO light, and I feed my Anen invert formula and other food with a baby medicine syringe........HE/SHE/IT IS QUITE HAPPY! My Coral Angel and cleaner shrimp have a very special relationship forming. She lets the shrimp jump on and clean her.
And if I did not get in this hobby for the pleasure of watching COOL fish and inverts with my 2 year old boy, then tell me why I did it?
And how am I to become experienced without EXPERIENCING it.
Wait for you to lecture me when I ask the question?
I am just trying to get a possible direction SHOULD I consider to persue another anen in the future or not.
I understand now that Condis are not the best! that is clear. Thanks RyeBread!
Pakman knows now that a bubble is good for a Percula. Thanks jferrier!
Again all keep up the info, I want to learn. Even if I do make a few mistakes on the way.