clown sick. not ich!


Ok here it is, I have 2 cinnamon clowns, acclimated at the same time, however I don't think they are a true mated pair since the female dosen't let the male in the 8" long tentacle, which was also acclimated at the same time. I have had these fish for approx. 8 mos. and have had no problems or questions untill about 2 weeks ago. the male has lost an extreme amount of weight, his color looks very bad, scales bad, eating very well, acts fine, is still somewhat active, swims a little funny, and the female gives him a hard time sometimes. He spends alot of time behind my overflow box to hide from her. I actually caught him in the overflow last night! I don't want to loose him but I don't have a QT tank either. the only thing I have tried is garlic extreme. Please help!!!:help:
Thank you!!!


Active Member
Are you sure they are the same species?
Many clownfish will coexist peacefully with other species while they are little but start fighting as they mature.
Some fish will not become a mated pair.
I don't have any experience with this problem but I have read that you may have to permanently separate these fish or the smaller one may die. Unfortunately I don't have any other suggestions for you and am answering this only because of your bump. You can probably find more opinions in the reef forum where there are people who raise clownfish.