Clown soap oprea


Active Member
Ok, heres whats happened so far. I had nothing but a pair of false percs and a PJ cardinal in my 55 reef for a long time. I recently got a job and wated to add some real nice fish. I added a awesome female leopard wrasse and for some reason the female clown wanted to kill it. The wrasse was way bigger but he didn't fight back. I traded in the clown (nearly killed me
) for a new little clown and also added longnose hawk and a fairy wrasse. I thought the old and new clown would pair up but they aren't. Had 'em for a few weeks and the older bigger one gets meaner and meaner towards the new one. So here are my options....
1) trade in the little guy and hope the other one dosen't go after my other fish.
2) trade in the big one, i'd hate to do this.
3) trade them both in for 2 new little ones, this too.


I would go with chioce 3, unless you only want one clown.


Active Member
I'd like to go with choice one,i wanna keep my old clown, but does anyone think he'll go after my other fish if i remove the new clown? I don't plan on adding any new fish. I think i'll take back the new clown if they don't start gettin along soon and if the old won goes after others i'll bring him in and get two brand new ones.