Clown suicide :(


Sooo I just noticed that one of my ocellaris clowns jumped out, when I noticed he was already dried up =(
I'm planning on getting another, but I was just wondering, could I get one of the black ones?
Though that since their both ocellaris they could be kept together, or would they still fight?


they were both about the same, it was hard to notice a difference
the one that jumped looked smaller, but i guess its because it dried up


Were they very young? If they're still young, it's easier to add a new one to make a pair again. If possible, try to find one smaller than the one you currently have, but if they're young and close to size, it should be okay.


Don't know how young they were, it's been about 3 months since I first saw them in the LFS and about 1 1/2 since I bought them, they were about 1.5".
The clown that I'll add will be smaller, don't want to risk it.