Clown Sweetlips???


Active Member
Does anyone know if there reef and or safe for my shrimp and crabs??? Thanx ive got an opportunity to buy one and its great looking!!! Thanx again.


I read that they get really big and completely change color. also I thing they will eat shrimp, so I cannot have one, although I really would love one, they are so cute! :happyfish


Active Member
Most are unlikely to survive long term, however. A difficult to keep fish overall...many do great and die for unknown reasons...many just do not do great at all :(
And no, I wouldn't generally consider them reef safe since they tend to possible sift the sand (not great in a reef) and are a threat to crustaceans.


I would ask the dealer how long that particular fish has been in the tank. Then find out if they have any difficulty feeding him. If the dealer is unsure about feeding see if the fish will eat before purchasing. Maybe this particular fish has already adapted to aquarium feeding (unlike in the wild). Look at the top of the skull for indentations. That is not a good sign...means not fed or not eating. They are tough to get to eat if young an unacustomed to tank life. Live glass shrimp and small fish (guppies or anything that moves) may get a finicky eater to feed...or at leat get their attention. Live blood worms or anything that moves that is easy for him to catch will probably do. You may need a plan to get him to eat frozen brine etc. A large variety of bait may be necessaray at first to find what one may like to eat..and then hopefully they will live. Read up on the Clown Sweetlips by doing a google search. Some say this fish is not recomended for any aquarium because of the inablity to feed them. Other sweetlip species may fare better ( i am unsure though). It is one tough fish to raise at the juvenile stage. Best to get one from someone that already has it on a regular feeding schedule/routine...then use what they feed them.
Take care, Wayne


Active Member
Thanx all of you. But ive decided against getting the Sweetlip. After all i heard here i think it would not be a good move. Thanx again to you all!
