Clown Swimming Habits


Last night I purchaced and added a percala clown to my tank. At the lfs, the fish was an avid swimmer moving horizontally across the tank. In my tank, he is swimming vertically mostly in one corner of the tank. He seems happy otherwise and no one is picking on him. How do your clowns swim? Do you think that this is a problem? Thanks in advance for your help!


Active Member
Does it swim like that when the lights are off or all the time?
How and how long did you acclimate?
What type of water are you using?
What are your levels?
How long has tank been set up?
My clowns swim sideways in the top corner of my tank but only when the lights are off. As soon as my acintics (sp?) come on (which is 2 hours before my dual daylights) the straighten back up and swim around fine.

sinner's girl

what are your tank levels? how did you acclimate him? how is his breathing? is he eating?
Mine always tried to find a way out, would swim from one end of the tank to the other end, up and down, back and forth, like he/she was looking for a way out or just learning new enviroment.