Clown Tang vs Sohal Tang


Active Member
Anyone familiar with these two? How difficult is one vs the other?
Any reasons to avoid one or both. They would be the last fish going in a 240, so I'll have the room.
I had read that the Clown was harder to keep, but not sure if it is just more sensative or more of a killer.
Any inputs?


Active Member
not sure on sohals but i know clowns r mean, they had one at my lfs and it really badly scarred a pearlscale butterfly like 3 times his size, for no reason


Harley.....From what I have read about the clown tang is that it can go a few months of doing great in a system then all of a sudden begin to decrease it's food intake going very thin and starving to death.....some have had success but from what i have read the ratio is like a 2 out of 10 success rate..
Good luck and my personal favorite of the 2 is definitely a sohal.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiamiReefr
Harley.....From what I have read about the clown tang is that it can go a few months of doing great in a system then all of a sudden begin to decrease it's food intake going very thin and starving to death.....some have had success but from what i have read the ratio is like a 2 out of 10 success rate..
Good luck and my personal favorite of the 2 is definitely a sohal.....
I agree with what you said about the clown tang.
The sohal tang is a very aggressive fish. They are up there with clown triggers, in my opinion.
What do you have in your tank?


aggressive yes, but man what a pretty fish to have in a system....if it's housed with other bad tempers who can hold their own it shouldn't be to bad in a 240. But then again I am not expert by any means.


I had both, actually still have my Sohal. But when I use to have my clown tang, he was a bully, he chased everyone from my YT to my PT. And any other fish in my tank. So I exchanged him for a PB and I am glad I did. My clown was very agressive, but I didnt have a problem him eating, ate like a pig. I would rather go with a Sohal.