Clown Tank

yellow ace

I have a 10-gallon freshwater tank that I am going to start converting to saltwater tomorrow. I want to know ahead of time (so I can prepare things) what kind(s) of clownfish could I have in there? Is Ocellaris the only kind that will do well in such a small tank? I love the way a cinnamon clown looks, are they ok? I would want to keep a pair. Any suggestions?

yellow ace

could I have a pair in there? any other kinds of clownfish that would work in there? If I go with cinnamons what other fish could I have?


Active Member
you should only have one type of clownfish in your tank if you have more than one type there is gonna be a war in your tank


I wouldnt suggest putting cinnamon clowns in a tank that small. They are one of the larger possibly more agressive species. They get to be about 5 inches. I would recommend a pair of perculas seeing as they dont venture far from their territory. Ocellaris clowns would probably work too. I would wait for a few more oppinions, but I dont think cinnamon clowns are a great idea.


Active Member
i would get occellaris since you already have one buy another one to make a pair!!! GOOD LUCK


Well, according to another reliable website, cinnamon clowns do best in tanks 30+ gallons. I dont mean to be discouraging, but a cinnamon clown probably isnt the best choice.

yellow ace

oh!! Don't feel like you are a johnny-rain-cloud!!! If there was never a person to say "no" we would all have emperor angels in our 30 gallons!! lol. Thanks! :jumping:

yellow ace

One more question. About the Ocellaris, how will I know if they will become a pair? I ordered my oc. from this website becuase I only have 1 lfs around me (that carries sw fish) and they don't have very healthy fish. How could I make sure to get a fish that would no be mean or beat up by my fish?
-Ace :happyfish


Active Member
You can tell when you fish is a pair is when they follow eachother around and sleep in the same place

yellow ace

ok, and then I guess if they don't pair up, or if there is fighting, I can have one clown in my main tank, and one in the other.


Active Member
0 f0g0t if you see the fish is beating up the other that means that they dont like eachother you can tell if your clown is messed up or something dont seem rite.