Clown Tank?


Can you keep a tank of just different types of clown fish? If I were to set up say a 55 gallon tank and stock it with one of each type of clown, would this work? B&W, Ocellaris, Percula, Pink and Orange Skunks, Tomato, Cinnamon, GS, GSM, Picasso, Snowflake, Misbar... you get the point. I know that some may be too aggresive, ie. GS and GSM, but is this possible or heard of. I am pretty sure that clowns can be kept in groups, and know that people have intermixed pairs. What is possible?
I dont think a 55 is good for different clowns, you need something bigger so they can all have their own niche and not be so aggressive towards each other. jmo. look it up on google, there are mixed reviews


I would think it should work if you forgo the most agressive ones. From experience maroons are just mean I have no experience with tomatoes but I have heard they can be agressive, all the others you mentoned should be able to coexsist fine, you may even have some pair up, that would be inevitable. How many you talkin? You mention about 10 fish, I think that would be too many for a 55, I would try maybe 4 or 5, crowding them is asking for trouble. Sounds like a very interesting idea whats the very worst that could happen? fighting, then you just have to weed out the trouble makers. That would really be something to look at.


I just realized I put GS and GSM. LOL I know that Ocellaris and Perculas can mix and match and most are just different color strans of them. I figure Maroons would be a negative and possibly tomato and cinnamon? I think you could get a school of 7 or so dif clowns. I think skunks would coexist with O's and P's? I think a clown tank would be cool, and have a few anemone's and some softies that they could host.?