clown to anemone

billy mac

i inherited the tank from a friend, he had to move, tank has been set up for three months here with the fish that came with the tank, 2 percs, blue devil dam., sally light foot, cc star, and a gobbie. he did at one time have one but it died before i got the tank.
my friend said the light is ok for a sebae. im not sure of what kind of lighting, i know there not atinics or mh


Your Sebae Anemone needs MH lighing if it is going to have a chance. Sebaes are very hard to keep even with the MH lighting. You dont read much about someone keeping one more that a year. Most dont make it 6 months. If I were you and if you really wanted this anemone to live then you will upgrade your lighting.
You need to be careful, if it dies it can take your whole tank down with it.