Clown Trigger Changing Colors?


I have a clown triggerfish that is about 5 inches and where his color on his back is supposed to be yellow changes to tan 90% of the time. Is this normal?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reaume_23
I have a clown triggerfish that is about 5 inches and where his color on his back is supposed to be yellow changes to tan 90% of the time. Is this normal?
Are you feeding him plenty of vitamins? Selcon, Zoecon, Vitamin C, a lot of people feel new life spectrum pellets help add color......Is he skinny at all? or appear to be in bad health otherwise? How big is your tank?

small triggers

Active Member
does he change when fe flexs or when hes running away? would anything be picking on him? Mine gets pale when my niger chases him around the tank


Its a 55 gallon tank, he is getting a variety of different foods from frozen, flake, pellets, and he even goes for the sea weed on the clip so he stays well fed. Nothing chases him, he pretty much dominates the tank. He seems healthy and is always out swimming around the whole tank. He seems to change the most right after he eats a lot and then he goes and sits in the rocks for about 15 minutes or so.


Originally Posted by reaume_23
Its a 55 gallon tank, he is getting a variety of different foods from frozen, flake, pellets, and he even goes for the sea weed on the clip so he stays well fed. Nothing chases him, he pretty much dominates the tank. He seems healthy and is always out swimming around the whole tank. He seems to change the most right after he eats a lot and then he goes and sits in the rocks for about 15 minutes or so.
What other fish do you have in there with him?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reaume_23
There is one golden face goby, 1 koran angel, 1 firefish goby, 1 blue hippo
You are asking for trouble in there. A Clown Trigger in a 55 with 4 other fish is not a good situation long term. Chances are he is going to want the tank to himself as he gets bigger. CT's have the reputation for snapping and going postal and killing anything in their space, in a 55, everything would be his space. Clown Triggers get to 20 inchs, Koran Angels about the same, Blue Tangs get large as well....Sorry but a 55 is not a good home for these fish long term.