clown trigger or niger trigger


No, triggers in that size tank, to small, unless your planning to upgrade to a 120 gallon. If you are upgrading, i'd go with a clown trigger.


If you are going to upgrade to a 75 SOON, then go with a small niger, definitely not a clown. They get huge and are very aggressive. You could also, instead of a niger, get a small huma, pink-tail, or blue-throat. And if you're going to upgrade SOON, then why not just wait til you upgrade?


I'm heavily criticized for putting a Niger in a 40 gallon but mine is doing fine. I wouldn't do the clown though unless you get a bigger tank. My niger is an inch and a half long and he's in there with a coral beauty and 2 damsels and all is well. He's not very active but he's an interesting fish to watch. So although most say don't do it, if you really want it give it try. Just make sure you know what your risking and going up against.


Active Member
if you are upgrading to a 75 soon, i would go with a picasso. i dont like nigers at all, and a clown will get 18+" in your tank. when are you going to upgrade? if you have just the eel in the tank and get the smallest trigger you can find, it will be ok for a little while. bo


Active Member
i would say 65-75 gallons minimum. pinktails dont need as large aquariums as some of the other species as the are very docile and mellow and usually not that agressive and territorial. bo


I've had a chance to view both of these animals in the wild. Nigers are social, grathering in large groups. Remember there is plenty of space for the weak to retreat in the ocean. Clowns are much more territorial and grow considerably larger. Cost wise, it doesn't sound like you have much experiance with saltwater fish. Get the larger aquarium and go with the Niger.