I read that on swf.com regarding clown triggers "they may take up to 24 hours to recover" can someone elaborate what this means...and also is there any special way to acclimate a clown trigger ?
It's kinda like when a person is coming off an anesthetic...they are just kind of lethargic, and not really alert...so it may take 24 hours before they "are with it" if you will.
so will he get hurt in that time period i'm putting him in my 210 i decided to take my chances and putting him in at night when everyone is sleeping. he is small 3 inches I hope the purple tang 4.5 inches doesnt get ick. the CT was qt at my friends house and im taking it to work monday gonna suprise my boss.
Originally Posted by Espkh9 http:///forum/post/2595187
he looked fine when i qt;'d him 3 weeks ago didint look high or anything lol...
So you already have the fish? If this is the case you won't have a recovery time..that is only when they are shipped...sounds like you are just transferring from one tank to another if I am understanding correctly.
Great fish! I think you got him at just the right size, juvi CTs have a very poor survival rate, for some reason. BTW the purple tang can't get ich if the tank is ich-free and everything is properly quarantined. Ich, contrary to the urban legend, just doesn't appear out of the air or sit in a dormant state just waiting for years.
Here's a thread from this forum that really explains the ich life cycle; IMO, must reading for anyone in the hobby. You have to scroll down quite a ways, but the info on the way is great too. https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/127007/faqs-fish-diseases-treatments-quarantine-health-info