Clown trigger set up help


I have a 90 gallon reef and I am setting up a 75 gallon fish only tank. I want to know if I can put a juvenile clown trigger in it and let it grow to an adult. I also need some other fish suggestions.


Active Member
no since clowns get very large and agg. i would reccomend for a fish list, a fuzzy dwarf lion, a kole tang, and some type of toby puffer


I new that the clown trigger would probably get to big, I also had a harlequin tusk in mind.


i wouldnt put a harly in a 75
and also
i think you could get away with havin the CT if you just plan on having a species only tank
you could start out with a small ct and a couple of damsels
when the ct kills the damsels then its just the ct