clown trigger


Active Member
i know they are agressive, but how many of you have them, how big do they get and can they go with a nig trigger and a puffer, tere is one at my lfs for like $50 or something like that and they are haveing a half price sale in a few days and i have been concitering getting him, i have a 125, would that be ok all thats in there is a nig trigger, aome kind of puffer and 2 small eels


Active Member
o ya he is about 5 inches, my trigger is about 4 inches and the puffer is like a half an inch bigger than the puffer


i have no experiance with em but i do know that if you keep him full as much as possible he wont mess with much
a fat fish is a healthy fish
a fat fish is also a lazy fish :happyfish


probably wouldn't work out well for you. 5" is about when they start to get nasty. i wouldn't recommend one in anything less than a 250 anyhow.


Originally Posted by akbuuur
i have no experiance with em but i do know that if you keep him full as much as possible he wont mess with much
i strongly disagree. a clown trigger will kill for territorial issues, not just for food.


I agree with NEreef, this is a very aggressive trigger that gets large and like an even larger territory. This trigger will not hesitate to defend it's territory, all of it's tank mates will be at risk.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BabyB
i was reading about them and nig trigers get bigger that clown trigger

Doesnt matter if the other fish is bigger than them or not.
As NEreef said...they'll kill for territory, not food. They're actually MORE likely to do so, than to kill to eat the other fish.
They get big (10"+), mean and are stone cold killers. There are many, many of reports of them even attacking divers...and I can give first hand account of this, because I've been attacked by one myself, while diving. They are NOT to be messed with.


Personally I think you could keep a Clown Trigger in a long as it is the ONLY fish in there. Anything else, even larger, will most likely get killed.


Active Member
I think that if it's a juvenile you could do it .. but keep in mind .. juveniles are fragile .. I wouldn't buy an adult with the fish you have becuase they can be aggressive as adults


Active Member
i decided not to get it, but i am haveing a terable time with my nig trigger, in the past week he has killed 3 fish for no reason, im ready to just thump him


Active Member
Originally Posted by BabyB
i decided not to get it, but i am haveing a terable time with my nig trigger, in the past week he has killed 3 fish for no reason, im ready to just thump him

There is no such thing as "for no reason" I am afraid. For the fish, there is a darn good reason.


Active Member
it sounds like your trigger has hit his aggressive spot .. it's only gonna get worse from this point .. if it were me I'd take him to the local fish store and trade him in . and this can be hard for some people because yoru fish is your pet but at this point your pet is going to kill your other pets


Active Member
ok for no aperent reason
its realy hard to take tings back expecialy him, he was my first fish


Active Member
yeah triggers do that occasionally start attacking fish for no "apparent" reason .. what fish do you have left in the tank?


Active Member
300 is what is recommended for larger speices of clown triggers..and thats is just for territorial reasons.
My friend has one in his 72 bow...doesn't bother anything...on the other hand won't take crap from anyone.