clown trigger????

dirk diggler

New Member
Ok i got a juvenille clown trigger from this site last friday and since then he has only eaten on one occasion and hides inside a rock all day and night i hardly see him!Any suggestions on what i can do to get him eating normal?Oh yeah my water levels are all fine and no one is messing with him, i have a wet dry with a mtc skimmer and a powerhead 802 inb a 75g.


Active Member
eventually that clown is going to get to big for that 75. what are his other tankmates? what are you trying to feed him. my picasso will eat brine, mysid, squid, krill, and silversides. others feed black worms as well. are you sure no one is chasing him or anything? also what exactly are your readings. later, bo

dirk diggler

New Member
i have a huma huma in there with him all my readings are at 0 and yes i know that he will eventually grow out the 75 thats why i am upgrading into a 150 in september,and i have not seen the picasso chasing him at all!how long does it usually take for them to start eating and when should i start worrying?


My advice would be that if he isn't eating healthily one week after introduction you may need to be worried, but yeah this little guy is just getting used to his environment and he has had a lot of stress recently so give it some time.


Active Member
most clowns are very agressive feeders. my trigger ate the first day i got him. wait a couple more days and if no eating get worried. does his stomach look indented? color ok? is the humu humu getting all the food first? very strange for a clown not to eat. later, bo


:confused: I have heard too many different sizes for the clown trigger. So what is their max size, growth rate, and tank size needed.


Active Member
20 inches wild- 10 inches aquaruim
Salinity 1.021 to 1.023
Diet; Crustaccans,molluscs; pellets; meaty food; bold feeder
Aggressive do not keep with smaller fishes
alias: Cigar Lips- Big-Spotted Trigger


Active Member
i agree with puff on everything, there minimum tank size imo is 100-125 gallons. scientific name Balistoides conspicillum they are one of the larger triggers and very agressive. best kept with groupers, puffers, eels, snappers and other large agreeive fish. never keep with sharks or rays because they will eat their cartilage. some people keep there clowns with large angles and tangs but i would advise not doing this because any time the clown could turn on the tang/angel. many clowns will become hand tame and recognize their owner. later, bo


Active Member
By the way my Clown Trigger who is now 3 and a half has lived his life in my 135 with the following fish and at this point has never seemed to bother any of them (part of my theory of buying babies and raising them together). Kole Tang;Twin Spot Wrasse;Cleaner Wrasse;Pink Face Wrasse;Yellow Tail Damsel;Blue Moon Angel;Majestic Angel;6 line wrasse;Rusty Angel;Half Black Angel;Maroon Clown; Unknown psuedochromis specie.
Now I do not recommend this line up before you all give me heck for even bringing it up. I just wonder why this tank has been so good for its entire 4 year life so far. The fish all were babies and went in within 5 months of each other and the tank never had a disease until a small outbreak this year (which I believe I transfered in from another tank while cleaning. It is fine now). I realize fish like people are different even within species but the majority of books and good people would never recommend this group. Also, today I found my Forcipier Butterfly in that tank dead of what I believe is natural causes, it was the first fish put in that tank in 8-97 and actually was used to cycle it a bit. I am coming to the realization that a lot of my fish are getting old, and some really seem to show their advanced years.

dirk diggler

New Member
Well, i think i should start worrying because today i saw my clown trigger very pale and spazzing out kind of just floating all over the place upside down, sideways, and breathing very heavily!From the looks of it he is not gonna make it ,any suggestions at this point or is it just a lost cause? :mad:

dirk diggler

New Member
Unfortunately he died yesterday :mad: But the good news is that my LFS has a tankful of lil juvenilles for 28 bucks so i am going to get another one in about a week because i am treating my tank for a whitespot problem and as soon as i am done with that i will add the new one!I still have one more juv clown trigger in that tank and he is doing great still cant understand why the other one died, i guess cuz he was smaller!


I can't beleive this!! In the fish only board you asked people's advice about adding a clown trigger when you were treating your tank for whitespot. This is your exact post,
"I am treating my 75g for a small case of white spot with GreenX medication .Do u think i should wait until i am done treating the tank to add another or can i just add him while the tank is being medicated without any problems? The reason i want to add right away is because i dont want to miss out on the juv clown triggers at such a cheap price!"
Everyone told you not to add any more fish, and you did. You added the clown trigger, was the tank clear of the medication and the whitespot? I bet that is why the clown never ate and has now fadded away. Please don't go adding another fish until your tank is healthy. If you are going to ask for the opinions of others and they all say wait until the tank is done with the medication, but you added the clown anyways and then you ask what is wrong with him. I think you were warned of the possible results. People just didn't tell you not to add the clown because they felt like it, but because of the chance of it dying, and it did, are you so surprised? Sorry for such an angry post, but I just feel people aren't really caring for the outcome of their fish. Please take a step back and slow down, before anymore fish die.
[ May 22, 2001: Message edited by: goofieones ]
[ May 22, 2001: Message edited by: goofieones ]

dirk diggler

New Member
Ok u are obviously confused, the reason i put that post up asking if i can get another clown trigger was because this one died ,i didnt go out and buy another one and it died on me ,i started treating the tanks for white spots after the clown trigger died!If you dont believe me just check the time and date of the post and replies and maybe you would have saved yourself some stress!I am new to the hobby but that doesnt mean i am ignorant or stupid so do me a favor next time u flip out on someone for doing something stupid or ignorant be sure that your not the stupid or ignorant one! ;)

dirk diggler

New Member
I have no i dea how i got them ,its the first i have ever had a disease in my tank.All my levels are perfect , my only guess would be the clown trigger introduced it into my tank because i didnt even have him for a week and he died on me and than i had the small out break!B ut i can tell that the medication is already working.
Originally posted by DIRK DIGGLER:
<STRONG>Unfortunately he died yesterday :mad: But the good news is that my LFS has a tankful of lil juvenilles for 28 bucks so i am going to get another one in about a week because i am treating my tank for a whitespot problem and as soon as i am done with that i will add the new one!I still have one more juv clown trigger in that tank and he is doing great still cant understand why the other one died, i guess cuz he was smaller!</STRONG>

The above in itself does not make sense. If you are treating for ich and your fish keep dying you should:
Im with goofieones on this one, seen all your other posts. If someone is walking with you and you say "hey, is there landmines around here" and they reply "yes, dont step there" and then you step where they told you not to, frankly, you deserve to be blown up. I wish you luck, but asking for advice and then not accepting the warnings from people who are experienced in the matter at hand will keep you going in circles. It is absolutely necessary that you get your tank conditions under control before even looking around at the lfs or you will simply be spending money left and right. I still have yet to see your water parameters in any post. This is not a flame and I am not trying to put anyone down but one cannot learn if one is not willing to be taught. These guys know their stuff so when they say "dont step there, theres a mine" my advice is "dont step there" gl
[ May 22, 2001: Message edited by: Saltwater Marauder ]