Clown Triggerfish


I have had a Clown Triggerfish for a month now, he is about 5-6" big. I knew he was the most aggressive when I purchased him, I wanted him to get rid of my mean damselfish. But he didnt. So I took back three of them and right now my Clown Trigger is living with 3 Blue damsels, chocolate starfish, lots of crabs, engineer goby(he stays under my live rock) and snails. I am currently feeding him frozen squid, shrimp and also freeze dried krill for his teeth. my question is my LFS says I can put puffer fish, wrasse, and lionfish with him. But I am still hesitant to purchase anything since these fish are expensive. I know its hard to tell since they all have different personalities. But when I put more crabs in the tank , I try to trick him and feed him shrimp on one side of the tank and put the crabs under the live rock, but after awhile he knows they are new, seems to pick on new stuff. He cant yet break there shells so they are safe. The LFS told me he doesnt kill all the stuff I have in there because they were there before him, but anything new he will. I think he is the greatest fish, and love watching him so I dont want to disturb him but hoping there is something out there he might get along with. Wont the lionfish sting him if he tries to bite the fins?
...the puffer fish im thinking about getting is about twice his size...


Active Member
I would avoid the Lion, mainly cause hes not really an aggressive and can be very hard to feed in a tank with aggressive eaters. I really don't like Clowns at all, they are one of the worst triggers and have one of those jekyl/hyde personalities you never know when hyde is going to come out so anything you with him is at risk. That said Puffers, Angels, and Wrasse can all be kept with Triggers.


Depending on the size tank, you can get another trigger like a humu or niger. A large angel would also be good and so would a puffer.


Active Member
The clown trigger will almost definitely kill a lionfish. Either way, your tank is too small for the trigger or a large lion


NM, I see you have a 75gal tank. I don't think your tank is not big enough to add any more fish.


I just get so many different responses on triggerfish size, ive been told they grow slow then they grow fast, the tank is to small, the tank is just fine. So im just gonna see how things go and when the time comes I will get him a bigger tank, but im not going to upgrade now if he turns out to be a slow grower. but since I can upgrade putting three juvies of something together will be fine I think


Triggers get more agressive the smaller the tank is. So it might be ok now, but if you add another fish and the trigger feels crowded, it might go nuts.


Active Member
Maybe I should clarify. I wouldn't keep a Clown, Queen, Undulated, or Titan Trigger with any fish I wanted to live(Damsels though why not). I also wouldn't keep any Triggers crowded and overloaded in a tank like some people do or feed them live fish just to bring out their aggression like some people do(I'm sure you see where I'm going with this). However, I see no problem with repsonsibly keeping triggers like Humu, Niger, BlueThroat, etc... together.


Active Member
I would never put a lion in with a CT. CTs can behave, sometimes for months, even years. But, sooner or later, they will almost always turn into the extremly aggressive fish that their genes tell them to be. I learned this the hard way several years ago; within 12 hours a "nice" CT killed 4 tankmates; two were bigger than he was. IMO, its not a question of if a CT will become very nasty, its when.


You can put triggers together. What I was saying was that if they feel crowded, they will start fighting with other fish even with each other. It's good to give them lots of space.


Thanks everyone! It has made my decision not to take a chance on the lionfish! I really want to have like three fish, small now and then upgrade my tank later. Maybe I can try a wrasse and puffer with him. I would just feel so bad if something got killed after I brought it home :(


Originally Posted by prime311
Maybe I should clarify. I wouldn't keep a Clown, Queen, Undulated, or Titan Trigger with any fish I wanted to live(Damsels though why not). I also wouldn't keep any Triggers crowded and overloaded in a tank like some people do or feed them live fish just to bring out their aggression like some people do(I'm sure you see where I'm going with this). However, I see no problem with repsonsibly keeping triggers like Humu, Niger, BlueThroat, etc... together.
yea i no im such a bad host.i feed them live food and keep triggers together.!still eaitin for postal.that whare 99% of you are wrong.all fish have differnt personalities