Clown Triggers?

king kyle

New Member
Real quick question about Clown Triggers. My LFS just got some baby ones they are anywhere from 1/2in to 1in. I was just wondering how quick will they grow? I have a relatively small tank 39gal and well they are relativley small. Just wondering if they would do well in there until they got too big.


In my honest opinion, it would not be the best option for you. For starters, "baby" clowns do not have a good success record from what I hear. A lot of them do not survive. Secondly, if it did survive, you would need to upgrade to at least a 75 very soon and then onto a 125 or so in a year to two. But if you are set on getting it, just be ready to upgrade and for sure, it must be the only species in the tank.
they could be in that tank for a good six months feed every other day. but there is a possibility he might die even with good water conditions.the mortality rates for the young ones are high.


Active Member
They are really awesome fish, but they are MEAN buggers, our lfs has had one for about 6-7 months now, I remember the first time I saw him, I put my finger up to the tank and the little sucker came right up to the glass and acted like he was trying to bit me. The only way I would have one is if I could put him into a tank by himself. Later Lisa


New Member
Clown triggers that small, usualy don't make it like the others said. But, if you get a bigger tank, or upgrade soon, you can get a clown trigger about 2 or 3in. big, they are hardy then, never lossed one before. They aren't that mean when there juvis, but when there adults, whatchout! They are really mean, just like blue stated.