clown w/lymphocystis


New Member
hey all,
great info on sickness/disease! i have a clown with lymphocystis. it's a new addition to my tank that i did not qt.
i've started a more varied diet today mixed with vitamins (zoecon), and just wanted to see if there was anything else i can do.
i was only feeding mysis and pellet before today, so i've picked up some flake, and two more types of frozen meaty food. so i'm using these foods with the zoecon and freshly minced garlic.
the tank critters are 1 clown (nemo), royal gramma, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint shrimp, 4 nassarius snails, 4 blue leg hermits, 4 astreas, 5 ceriths.
the tank is a 20 gal tall with 38lbs of live rock, aqua c remora hang on skimmer, and fluval filter to run carbon only with occaisonal floss.
my water paramaters are:
ammonia - 0
ph - 8.2
nitrate - 5
nitrite - 0
80 degrees
is there anything else i can do for the little bugger? my royal gramma is fine btw.


Staff member
Hi, and welcome to!

Are you sure your fish has lymphocyctis? How often are you feeding?


New Member
pretty sure it is. been studying the pics and my fish so i'm almost positive.
i've been feeding 2x a day, but i believe i should up it to 3x.


Active Member
There really is not anything you can do except give him time in a stress-free enviroment with a nutritious diet. You really should not need to feed that often, but if you want to try to get him to get rid of the lymph faster, that is fine. However, be sure that your nitrates do not rise in you feeding so much.


Staff member
lioncrazz is correct. Make the food selections the best that you can offer. Zoecon is a good supplement, use with one of the feedings. Keep water conditions good and don't add any fish that will stress the clown and he should recover.
The fish will always have the condition, however, symptoms can be reduced of eliminated.


New Member
so doing water changes won't stress the fish out?
also, should i avoid from adding say a mushroom, or frogspawn, stuff like that for a while?
...great info, thanks!


Active Member
Doing water changes will not stress the fish out under a few conditions:
1.) always mix up water at least 24 hours in advance, but preferably 48 hours.
2.) When mixing water, always use a powerhead and heater. Heat the water to the EXACT temperature as the display tank.
3.) When getting the water ready, use a thermometer, refractometer, pH, and kH test kit to make sure that all levels are the exact same as the display.
4.) When doing the water change, be as careful as possible. The more destructive you are, the more the fish will be stressed.
I would avoid adding anything until the lymph clears up.