Clown with 2 white spots by gills?

belly up

my tank just went through some tough times. my 6line and bicolor blwnny died and my clown survived but just barley. s/he is fine now but s/he has 2 white dots right by its gills. they do not look like ich and it hasnt spread at all. i dont know what it could be. my camera is kinda broken so i wont be able to post a pic of it. but i hope somone can still help.


Originally Posted by belly up
my tank just went through some tough times. my 6line and bicolor blwnny died and my clown survived but just barley. s/he is fine now but s/he has 2 white dots right by its gills. they do not look like ich and it hasnt spread at all. i dont know what it could be. my camera is kinda broken so i wont be able to post a pic of it. but i hope somone can still help.
It is hard to tell what they might be without pics. Can you describe what happened? What are your water parameters, what do the spots look like, how old is this tank? Is the clown eating?

belly up

i had filter problems. the dots look like raised white bumps. tank is about 4 months old and these dots havent grown or spread at all. and yes the clown is acting completley normal eating and everything he just has those 2 bumps and is breathing a little fast.
amonia-.5(doing water changes to bring back down)


Originally Posted by belly up
i had filter problems. the dots look like raised white bumps. tank is about 4 months old and these dots havent grown or spread at all. and yes the clown is acting completley normal eating and everything he just has those 2 bumps and is breathing a little fast.
amonia-.5(doing water changes to bring back down)
This tank is 4 months old and you still have no nitrates? When was the last time you tested? Can you get a camera to take pics. We realy cannot be positive on anything until we see what you are talking about. How long has it been since your filter went on the fritz when you introduced the new powerhead? A few days?


Staff member
It may be lymphocyctis. With any amt of ammonia a whole host of problems can result. Including death of fish. Keep doing daily water changes using aged water until the ammonia is down to zero. Add water circulation via powerheads.

belly up

my tank already cycled and my nitates went down to 0. i tested the water on wednesday. i added the PH on tues and my filter started acting up the same day only like 30 min later.


Have you looked at the diseased fish pictures to see if anything on there matches what your fish has? Look at the pictures of lymph. How is he acting otherwise? Is he eating well?

belly up

i will go look at the pics. and he is fine besides the white spots and he is breathing a little fast but otherwise he seems fine.and yes he eats like a pig

belly up

no it doesnt really look like lymphcytes(sp?) it looks more like a parasite that maybe attached on to him. but i dont know why it would decide to attach on now since he has ben in the tank about a month.


My clownfish is also having similar problems. I noticed a couple of white spots below his gills last night. He is still eating and swimming fine. Today, the spots aren't as big, but they look a little more fleshy. I managed to get a picture, you can see the white fleshy spots on his belly. Maybe we have the same thing going on. Help, anyone?


That clowns skin looks like it is peeling. Take a look in the Diseased Fish pics at the top of this forum. Look at Brooklynella. Start a new thread. We will help you.