Clown with an attitude


We finally got our tank stabilized and got a Maroon clown and a bubble tip. They love each other and the maroon got along wiith all the Dansels and Tang. Tthen I got the bright idea to get 3 Percula clowns and another bubble tip. Now the Maroon has a bad attitude towards the newbies.
Is this going to settle down or do I need to separate them?


Active Member
IMO clown species should not be mixed with the exception of the perculas and ocellaris because I don't find them to be as aggressive as other species. Also you should not have more than 2 clowns at all in a tank or else 2 will pair off and kill the rest. Your maroon may settle down, but I doubt that will happen. You should sperate the maroon from the 3 perculas. Then either seperate the two bigger ones from the smaller one or bring back the smaller one to the LFS. They may look peaceful now, but when they grow bigger two will pair off and kill the third.


We caught the percs and left the maroon in the larger tank since it was taking care of the anemones. I think the best thing is to return one of the percs and trade for a smaller maroon and see how it all shakes out.