Clown with anemone, and trigger...


Okay, I have a humu trigger, and a clown. I have been reading up on the relationship between a clown and it's anemone. It says that they will both protect each other, (the anemone stings other fish, the clown wards off predators) and the clown will eat it's food in the anemone, therefore feeding it. Well, I want to get a little anemone for my clown, but I have a humu trigger. He is very peaceful, and doesn't bother anyone, but just in case, will the clown be able to protect the anemone well enough to be able to have one with my trigger? Also, If I add another clown now, (this clown has been in my tank for a week) will they be aggressive towards each other, or tolerate each other until they pair up?


Active Member
OK, first thing is first, what type of clown? Clowns are rather specific on which anemones they host in. Also, many captive bred clowns for some reason will never take to one. Don't know why, but it is true.
Next, tirggers won't bother anemones generally....stinging tenticals don't taste too good. Not much will eat one so no worry to defend it.
What size tank do you have? With that trigger, I hope 90 gal or larger!
Most importantly, DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH LIGHTING FOR AN ANEMONE???? They require very intense light (no matter what anyone else at the LFS may tell you). Metal halide is the preferred. Shoot for 4-5 watts per gallon (ex: 100 gal tank will need 400-500 watts of lighting). This will cost you several hundred dollars. If you are not prepared to spend that kind of money, forget getting an anemone.
As for adding another clown now, make sure it is the same type as your first and make sure it is smaller to assure that you don't put two females together.

sinner's girl

My perc clown didn't like me adding a new clown, or any other fish, but she was worse with the new clown. Just about kill him as soon as he was in the tank. But i had an aggressive clown...
In the end, they got along, but first I had to bag the old clown, move lr around turn off lights, when the clown in the bag stopped trying to attack the clown in the tank, I let the clown free, kept lights off over night. But my clown had been alone a lot longer than a week.