Clown with attitude?


Is it normal for a clown to get a little attitude? I have 1 clown and 3 green chromis damsels. I have a 55 gal with live rock, no corals or anything. The clown has seemed to claim a space and pecks at anyone that comes into it. I even just saw him peck my cleaner shrimp. It is a false percula clown, looks like Nemo


Yeah clowns can be very territorial. I had a false perc that I introduced to a tank with an established domino damsel. The clown kept attacking the damsel
. My stepdaughter was attached to the damsel so the clown went to the LFS.


Oh yes, clowns can be nasty little buggers when they want to be. It is about territory though. They don't usually bother other fish unless they swim too close to their domain. They will chase others away. Occelaris clowns (false percs) are one of the more mellow breeds.


Active Member
+1 on the above posts, and I will add that you will also feel the "pain" if you stick your hand in there and get near their territory, especially if the Clown has an anemone.......
I have been bitten more than once from those "NEMO" looking pieces of satan....

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Oh yes, clowns can be nasty little buggers when they want to be. It is about territory though. They don't usually bother other fish unless they swim too close to their domain. They will chase others away. Occelaris clowns (false percs) are one of the more mellow breeds.
I always thought you reserved the term nasty little bugger for me

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
LOL if anyone happens to get a Joe in their tank please inform us right away. I could be dangerous

I could be dangerous or did you mean IT could be dangerous please proof read your posts. Words used incorrectly or misspelled are so annoying


Originally Posted by T316
+1 on the above posts, and I will add that you will also feel the "pain" if you stick your hand in there and get near their territory, especially if the Clown has an anemone.......
I have been bitten more than once from those "NEMO" looking pieces of satan....

Mine will stay in his corner until I bring in the turkey baster and start blasting off all the rocks. He will come out of his corner and follow me to the other side of the tank. I wasn't sure if he was telling me to get out of the tank, play with me, or if he was hungry. Has only tried to nip at me a few times but only felt like he was bumping into me. He will follow my hand and if I move after him he swims away and as soon as I turn my hand around a go back he comes right back after it. They are brave little buggers.