

New Member
my tom clown looks good and is eating just fine. but the past two days he randomly swims side ways or upside down for a second. than hes ok... but whats his deal?:nervous:


Staff member
Upsidedown? That does not sound good. What are you feeding him and what are the water readings in your tank?
How are your other fish doing?


New Member
my water is fine. and so is my other fish...the only thing they both are doing are making holes everywhere in the sand...they are geting flakes


Staff member
Clowns digging holes in sand is pretty normal. When the fish "swims upside down" is he floating as if helpless. What exactly happens? How long have you had these fish.


New Member
i have had him about one month. he has only done it about 5 times... it looks like he is going to chase his tail and than he will flip to his side. and than sometimes flip to the other side. when he does it he does it slowly. iv also noticed today hes been more aggresive than he usaly is. he usaly doesnt mess with the damsel to much but he chased him around a good bit tonight...i think the fish looks helpless when hes doing all this...he two friends think hes ok....but it is bothering me


Staff member
Clownfish can have some pretty odd behaviors. Can you post a picture?