Clownfish Aggression


New Member
Hello I have two clownfish in my tank and two firefish. One of the clownfish is really aggressive towards the firefish. The firefish have resorted to hiding all the time. Is there anything I can do? I've tried moving my rocks and it's the same thing, the same clownfish goes after the firefish any time they come out of hiding. Also I've noticed one of my firefish has a chunk of it's tail fin missing.


you can feed the clowns a little more, get rid of the clown, get rid of the firefish, or just wait til the clown becomes tired of picking on him...Most likely the clown will keep at it


New Member
Sweet so basically the clown won't stop. One of the fire fish has gotten used to it and seems to ignore it for awhile but eventually goes back to hiding. The other one (with the chunk taken out) tries to come out but if the clown even faces it, it goes right back behind the rocks.


New Member
Well I finally caught my clownfish in action, he grabbed a firefish by the tail and dragged it around the tank until a piece came off. Then he would do it again. I rescued both my firefish and brought them to my parent's house and put them in my dad's tank. They were both pretty beat up. Is this normal? I also have some black mollies in my tank and the clown leaves them alone. Was it there color? Are there any other fish I should avoid getting?