clownfish ailment


Active Member
a few days ago i had a yellow tang die from some sort of bacterial infection, now my clarkii is sick. for about 3 or 4 days i have noticed the clown hiding more and just this morning i realize his mouth looks like it is swollen and he can't shut it. he hasn't eaten in about 2 days. my other tank mates are yellow tail and domino. i've done a 13 gal water change on 9/6 and another 6 gal on 9/11 trying to cure the yellow tang. please help my clown
55 gal fowlr penguin 330 filter
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
ph was 8.6, but got it lowered to about 8.2
salinity 1.024


Active Member
if i do the formalyn dip, i can't get it untill monday...... i have some melafix on hand, do you think that woul work for this??


Active Member
last night, instead of hypo, i did a fw dip on my clown. i left him in for probably about 30-40 sec and this little bug like thing that looks like a pod fell of of the fish around his gill area. if it was a pod, would that cause his mouth to swell up like it has? my clown's mouth doesn't really seem much better this morning, but he looks a little happier and swimming around more