Clownfish and Anemone


Hello people, well i was thinking about getting a Amemone for my clownfish i got to percula clown fish and i was looking on getting the Rose Bubble tip Anemone from this website but first i got a few questions!!!!
A- will this Anemone affect any of my other fish I have:
1. sailfin tang
2. 2 damsels
3. 2 starfish
4. a porcuipine puffer (i will be moving the puffer to another fish tank)
5. and this weekend i will be getting a seahorse
B- is it hard to take care of one of these? Anemone?
C-is it possible to get a Deep Sea yellow Gorgonian with out affecting my fish?


ive always heard that you shouldnt put fish and seahorse together but im not an expert i would definitly find out before you get it


yeah i agree with nicole05 i wouldnt put the fish and the seahorse together. expecially with the puffer in the tank. i was always told that the seahorse was to be kept in a species only tank.


Active Member
Avoid both the anemone and sea horse. The starfish and puffer will dispose of your anemone, and your puffer will not go well with your seahorse AT ALL! Seahorses need seahorse only tanks because they eat very slow. There is no way one will survive with an aggressive fish like a puffer, tang, or damsels. You are only dooming it by putting it in that tank. The puffer will also eat the gorgonian. Puffers are not reef safe at all.
You also need to know that anemones need VERY STRONG light. Most require metal halides.


Hello it's me again! well i really learned alot by you guys and gals, but i got 3 fish tanks
100 gallon, 50 gallon, and 35-40gallon so i was wondering how could i set them up so that i could get a my fish seperate and safe?


Active Member
The puffer and sailfin need the 100, you could put the clown, damsel, and anemone in the 50, and do the 35 as a seahorse tank (with the starfish).
You will need a very good light fixture for the 50 though. Email me if you are looking for a fixture. I know a site with great prices.