Clownfish and Bubble Coral


New Member
:help: I have started to notice that my per. clownfish are rubbing up against my bubble coral, the fish look fine and the coral looks fine and dont seem to mind them doing it. why are they doing it? I have 2 Long tentical anemones in the tank? are there any chance that the bubble coral will eat the little fellas? i have fed the coral and seen what a mouth he has, any suggestions on what to do besides watch them closely? thanks Vicky


Active Member
Clowns will host anything and I really mean that. I dont think I would worrie about it I have seem them host bubble corals before and nothing happend.


If it makes you feel better, I've seen percs and false percs host in frogspawn, torch, xenia, GSP and of course anemones.


I know this is a late answer but I have a clarki who loves his bubble coral! They came together from a friend.