Clownfish and Current


I posted this on fish board also:
Is there any truth to the notion that Clownfish don't like alot of current?
I added a non-mated pair of perculas 2 days ago...One is about 1 1/2 inches and the other is about an inch...They seem to hang in the top 1/3 of the water column all the time and sleep at the surface on their sides...Both fish look healthy and are eating brine well...
I have them in a 46 gallon with a seio pumping mid-depth and a maxijet 900 disturbing the surface. I haven't provided them with an anenome yet for shelter...
Do you think it's too early to start playing with the currents to see if that's what is keeping them from exploring the entire tank?...I'm somewhat limited as to how much I can move the powerheads because I have Frogspawn that loves the current...I figure they are still acclimating so maybe I should just give them more time...


Active Member
Give them more time to get used to their new environment. They'll avoid the current if they want to. :D


Cool...isn't it funny how you finally get a fish that likes to hang near the surface, not under rocks on the bottom, and it's like "what's wrong with him, is something wrong?"...!!
On a side note...Did you see those shark attacks in Florida?...CRAZY :scared:


I wouldn't worry about it. I have 2 false percs in my 12g nanoocube and between the return pump and my PH there's about 260gph of flow in there and mine are fine. One of them even sleeps right in front of the PH and lets it sways him back and forth, I don't have anything in the tank they can host yet so maybe the flow makes him feel like and anenome is swaying him?? Who knows, clowns are rather strange fish and do strange stuff all the time, as long as they are eating good I wouldn't worry, usually the first sign a fish is sick/ something's wrong is they stop eating. hope this helps. :happyfish


I have a GSM clown and when I first added current to the tank he went crazy. That's all he did all day was play in the current. It was very entertaining to watch him go from one end of the tank to the other. There were times where he would go so fast I would wait for him to smack into the glass. After I got him an anemone he stopped though. Now he acts like it's his drug and someone might snatch it if he's gone to long. He's so weird.