I have another question for y'all.
My clownfish have taken to rubbing themselves incessantly on my green spotted mushrooms to the point that 6 of the large shrooms have detached (no worries, I got them to attach to new rocks). They're both oscellaris clowns? Has anyone ever seen this before? My best guess for a remedy is to get a conspecific anemone for them, but what species of anemone is completely reef safe (will never kill coral)?
My clownfish have taken to rubbing themselves incessantly on my green spotted mushrooms to the point that 6 of the large shrooms have detached (no worries, I got them to attach to new rocks). They're both oscellaris clowns? Has anyone ever seen this before? My best guess for a remedy is to get a conspecific anemone for them, but what species of anemone is completely reef safe (will never kill coral)?