Clownfish and shrooms


I have another question for y'all.
My clownfish have taken to rubbing themselves incessantly on my green spotted mushrooms to the point that 6 of the large shrooms have detached (no worries, I got them to attach to new rocks). They're both oscellaris clowns? Has anyone ever seen this before? My best guess for a remedy is to get a conspecific anemone for them, but what species of anemone is completely reef safe (will never kill coral)?


Active Member
theyre hosting.

you could get an anemone for them, BUT ONLY IF YOUR SYSTEM & LIGHTING CAN SUPPORT IT.
i dont think that ANY anemone is truely reef safe...


Active Member
i just bought hairy mushrooms on purpose for my pair of false percs. it's a good alternative to anemones. as long as the percs don't annoy the shrooms to the point the shrooms hate them, lol.


Active Member
I feel the same, there are no reef safe nems. Strange they are hosting your shrooms though. Grab a nem if your tank is large enough with sufficient lighting.


Toadstool leathers are another great coral for clowns to host. My Maroon has been in my leather all day everyday since the middle of last summer


Active Member
Mine used to host mushrooms but have taken lately to hosting a huge monti cap in my tank.... it's pretty interesting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
I feel the same, there are no reef safe nems. Strange they are hosting your shrooms though. Grab a nem if your tank is large enough with sufficient lighting.
not strange. most false percs are captive bred and don't know what a nem really is so they think a shroom could be a carpet anemone. they don't know the difference.