clownfish/anemone, how, what?


hi i have a false percula and i was just wondering what would be a good anemone for him to pair with? thanks

red lobster

I've had them in carpet anemone's
mine just loved them

scooter blenny

New Member
its not worth buying anmeones they die the tenticles break off and sting and kill your fish.its up to you, ifound it wasn't worth it,plus you need lots of light


New Member
I say go for it, having a clown in an anenome is awesome! I have two percs, and they live in my bubble anenome. Tank raised usually will not go near an anenome though. I had one perc that was tank raised, and then I bought another perc with the bubble anenome the same day. The new perc went right in the anenome, and the other soon followed. Now they will not leave, and it is fun to watch. They sleep deep down in the anenome, almost where you can't see them. It is great! Fun to watch too.