Clownfish & Anemone!



Well, today I went over to the LFS and purchased a yellow carpet anemone for my two percula clowns, a large green brittle starfish, a brain coral, and a plate coral. Everything seems fine, EXCEPT (Because there's ALWAYS an exception..)
The larger, more dominant clown (which I take to be the female.. that's always how it is, boys.
) is absolutely snuggled down in that anemone. They're making fishy love. But they seem to have ousted the male. Will she allow him in? They swim together most of the time, so I'm kind of surprised. What should I do?


You should not do anything. Don't mess with nature! How long has your tank been set up? All the corals you added are difficlut to keep, expecially the plate.


New Member
Just wanted to let ya know I read the other day that green brittle stars like to hunt when larger. I was looking up info on my brittle starfish and found some very interesting stuff. I have a bubble tip brittle and want to get a green brittle, just watch him if your clowns do mate. If you want to read the info just do a search for Brittle star info faq and you should find it.