Clownfish are fighting


We've had a pair of clowns for almost two months now. I know that they are supposed to fight in order to establish the female and male. It looks like that is happening, the more aggressive fish is getting bigger. My question is, could the dominate clown kill the other clown in all this fighting? The smaller clown is breathing very heavy. Could the heavy breathing be from being chased around the tank all the time or could he be stressed out and dying? Also, how long does this fighting usually last? Thanks.


Active Member
if they are in the 55g then i say to let them figure things out on their own.
false percs don't usually fight to the death when they are determing who is to be the girl.


Active Member
They've been fighting for 2 months? You may have two female clowns in that tank. A female cannot change back to a male so your clowns will not stop fighting if that is the case.


No no no. We've had them for two months. They just started fighting about three or four days ago. And yes they are in the 55 gallon. So I should just let them be and hope for the best? Thanks guys for your response.


Active Member
let them be. but if this goes on for more than two weeks then we should take a look at the situation again.
meanwhile, observe and see how each one of them is eating.