Clownfish attacking bristle worms!?



So I just bought a long tentacle anemone and a pair of small gold stripe maroons on Saturday. The anemone is over a foot across and looks great. The clowns hung out close to the anemone at first, but after I turned off the lights last night they went into the anemone and they are loving it. I am really excited.
I went home for lunch today and saw a kinda white thing on the smaller clown's lip. I thought maybe he had been fighting, but right when i started to try and look closer, a bristle worm stuck his head of of a rock right above the anemone a couple of inches away from my clown. As soon as the clown saw him, he rushed him and niped at the worm until the worm retreated. The worm tried it again a couple of minutes later with the same result. The clowns is not fighting with any other fish or any other inverts that I have seen.
Should I be worried? I had a six-line wrasse that I assume helped to keep bistle worms in check, but he was a holy terror to every other fish in the tank and so he is gone. I have seen several pretty big worms and want them out. Any ideas on removing the worms? Anything that eats big bristle worms but not anything else?


Heard from my lfs that the shrimp that look like spiders with pointy noses(can't remember the name
) love to eat bristles....