Clownfish Behavior


I have a single False Percula in a 55 gal. It is the only fish that I currently have along with hermits and snails and live rock of course. When we first got the fish, it stayed at the far right corner of the tank but did ocassionally swim around the tank especially when it was dinner time. It has now moved to the far left corner as low as it can possibly get and will not move what so ever. I thought he was dead a couple days ago. He had hardly any movement. He will only come to the top of the tank to feed and nothing like it used to. He will dart up for a few seconds, grab a bite, then right back down he goes. Is this normal behavior for a Clownfish? Could it be lonely? My water parameters are normal. The temp has flucuated the last week or so between 76 and 83. I can not seem to get the temp steady. Could this be causing stress for him/her?


I'm no clownfish expert, but I would say to stabilze your water temp and see if that helps. Also, watch him for ich in case the stress gets too much for him.